NU-HOPE News and Happenings

Introducing Connect Together Now

Every May, we celebrate National Older Americans Month, a time to recognize the invaluable contributions of our older residents and honor their wisdom, resilience, and vitality. This year’s national theme, “Powered by Connection,” highlights the importance of social interactions and the dangers of isolation.

The national theme happens to fit perfectly with NU-HOPE’s mission to support seniors in being independent and engaged community members. It also stands as the foundation for our newly launched year-long initiative: Connect Together Now.

Connect Together Now emphasizes the importance of meaningful connections to individuals, organizations, and our entire community. It also focuses on gaining a greater understanding of the challenges we encounter and using this knowledge to create meaningful change.

Often barriers such as the lack of transportation, limited ability to access web-based resources, communication challenges, financial constraints, and cultural differences hinder our ability to connect. These barriers can lead to isolation.  More often, the impact is more subtle, yet equally harmful: Inefficiency. Frustration. Anger. Apathy. Resignation…

However, there are steps we can take to improve. We can create volunteer opportunities and accessible, safe places that foster social connections for all. We can use technology to enhance, not replace, personal interactions. We can focus on building genuine, human connections.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to treat people like numbers. But even the smallest of gestures—smiling, greeting people, making eye contact—can make a significant difference. People want to be seen and heard and valued.  No- they NEED to be seen, heard and valued.

So, here’s to new connections. To being seen. To being heard and valued. To all of us being a little better.

We’re committed to trying.   Will you join us?          

Most Recent News and Happenings

Introducing Connect Together Now

Every May, we celebrate National Older Americans Month, a time to recognize the invaluable contributions of our older residents and honor their wisdom, resilience, and vitality. This year’s national theme, "Powered by Connection," highlights the importance of social...

26th Annual NU-HOPE Golf Tournament is another hit!

On Saturday, April 13th, blue skies and a cool, mild breeze greeted the 132 golfers who participated in the 26th annual NU-HOPE Golf Tournament held at Pinecrest Golf Club in Avon Park. The event was presented by Title Sponsors Insight Auctioneers, Martz Family...

NU-HOPE Holds 26th Annual Golf Tournament

Attention all golfers! The 26th Annual NU-HOPE Elder Care Services Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, April 13th at the Pinecrest Golf Club in Avon Park. This year’s event is presented by Insight Auctioneers, Martz Family Trucking and Pro Lawn...