NU-HOPE first met Jack in 2015. He was in his 70s, lived by himself, and had few local relatives. Jack frequently fell and was often weak due to cardiac problems. He had difficult preparing full, nutritious meals. As a result, he found himself becoming isolated, not eating well, and losing weight.
His monthly income also barely met his needs. At the end of the month, there were no funds the he could use to go places that would allow him to socialize with others
He confessed that he was very lonely. Both his health and satisfaction with life declined with each passing year. However, he was determined not to give up. His family wanted to help but didn’t know what to do.
Then they learned about NU-HOPE Elder Care Services and its meal program specifically for seniors who wanted to meet new people and enjoy healthy meals. They were surprised that transportation to the meal site was also available. It seemed like the perfect answer.
Jack was hesitant, as the idea of being around strangers was overwhelming. At first, he attended the meal site 3 days a week. He enjoyed the meals, the activities, and the opportunity to be with other seniors. As he developed new friendships, he increased the number of days that he attended each week.
However, Jack’s cardiac issues increased over time, making it difficult for him to safely prepare meals when he was not at the meal site. NU-HOPE was able to have meals delivered to Jack at his home, in addition to the meals he received at the senior dining site. This allowed him to have easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals at night and on the weekends.
Jack became major fan of the meal site, telling everyone he knew about how it had changed his life. He regained the weight he had previously lost and developed close relationships with others his age.
When asked how the meal program affected his life, his reply was simple: “NU-HOPE took my loneliness away from me.”